Controls Tweaked

Hello! Pokitaire (or Poketaire... idk turns out I keep misspelling it) has gotten its first kinda big update! The controls has been changed to be simpler. This change came from my observation of my friends playing the game, which mainly has them not really understanding the point of the game and struggling with the controls. 

Not understanding the point of the game could easily be solved by just reading the description of the game, but I don't really blame them for not doing that, who reads those anyway? But them not reading that, just signals to me that this game needs an in-game tutorial soon. Now, the issue with the controls could technically be solved with a tutorial as well, but I sense there's a deeper issue with the controls, where it makes the game unnecessarily finnicky.

A player can do two things to a card, either hold it or select it with left click and right click, respectively, but selecting a card gets weird, because when card(s) are selected, left click suddenly means cancelling the selection and right click means dealing the selected cards. The right click just weirdly branches out the two possible buttons with two different actions. This causes many people's first time playing accidently dealing cards.

There's also the fact that you can't select cards from different piles, this was initially an intentional design choice, but I realize it's better to get rid of that. I think it's unfun when you get into a situation where a hand will now cause a combo break just because they are beside each other, and also the situation where the player will select cards from one pile, then change their mind and try to select cards from a different pile which causes them to deal because they didn't cancel the initial selection, happens too many times.

So now, left click holds the card and right click selects the card. And that's it. Right click can just select any card from anywhere, the same pile or different pile and you deal the selected cards by the big 'Deal Cards' button. Resulting in a simpler controls and giving the players more choice.

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