Game Now has Music and Also Wishlistable on Steam!

Hello! I wanna make sure that this part of the news is at the top, but Pokitaire now has a Steam page! My goalpost of making a 'complete' game has (to my dismay) been pushed back again and now will be a purchasable Steam product when I finish making the full game, hopefully, in the near future.

I'm planning the full game to be $4.99, I kept all the regional pricing to its default, so translate that price to what you usually pay for for 4.99 games. I also plan for the full version to have a grand total of 16 decks, which is 2 times the amount the demo version has, these 8 extra decks will also be more complex and sometimes just plain harder. So please wishlist this game! Especially if you've been enjoying the demo thus far.


Now for the regular game update, the game has music now! I was one night away from giving up making my own soundtrack, but then I suddenly stumble on a melody that I think is pretty good! I decided to do the thing where the soundtrack gets more and more complete as you progress through the game. So right now most of you all, the soundtrack should just be a droning synth and drums, but for the few of you that has completed the demo, the soundtrack should be rich with a droning synth, drums, bass, and playful synth melody.

I hope you all enjoy the new soundtrack! Or just mute it 15 minutes later, I won't cry about that.. maybe. 

Btw, I only discovered this after the store page is live, but turns out there is another game named Pokitaire. Very unfortunate, I should've named this game with the misspelling. 

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